Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Acne: Nature's Cruel Pregnancy Joke

I’ve been hearing about the infamous pregnancy glow ever since I can remember so way back when in early November when I found out I was a mama to be I instantly had visions of radiant skin (that I didn’t have to fake myself with highlighters and shimmer powder). Oh if I knew then… What actually happened, as often does with pregnancy, is I encountered a serious case of acne. Literally I would look in the mirror and just think what the HELL is going on here?

Ready for the best part? Most acne meds are off limits when you’re expecting. That’s right, no salicylic acid, no benzoyl peroxide, no basically anything that actually clears acne. I knew it was time to get creative if I wanted to actually leave the house, so check out my solutions to this very serious problem.

Sulfur will be your new best friend. It’s a great spot treatment and totally safe to use during pregnancy. I was digging through my beauty stash and stumbled upon some Proactiv Refining Mask that was sent to me awhile back and thought bingo, here we go. Just dab on trouble spots before bed and wake up to clearer skin. It's totally unsexy for your partner to see you like that, but desperate times...

If your acne is more of an all over situation, break out the big guns and use a mask that contains kaolin and sulfur, like my personal fave Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque. I was turned on to this by my husband’s cousin’s wife who has successfully pushed out two kids while remaining breakout free. This refreshing mask sucks out impurities, rinses away blackheads and helps shrink the look of pores. And at less than $5, for a huge tube, it’s dirt cheap. Use twice a week to keep skin under control.

Tea Tree Oil is nature’s answer to benzoyl peroxide because it kills bacteria, a main cause of breakouts. Keep acne flare ups to a minimum with a tea tree oil-infused face wash, like all natural Jason Natural Products Tea Tree Oil Satin Soap for Hands and Face. I know what you’re thinking, or at least what I was, that there was no way in hell I was putting something on my face that you also use on your hands. But this contains pharmaceutical grade organic tea tree oil plus skin soothers like vitamin E. Just trust me here.

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